
UI/UX Design

Working closely with the CEO

We built out a completely new look for the FanClash game screen and designed a new league system with an eye to the future.

We started by asking the users how they felt the app could be improved and used this information to start designing wireframes.

Final Wireframe

After many iterations and meetings we decided to go with a modal covering the leaderboard which could be fully pushed down to the bottom. This allowed the user to see a full and scrollable leaderboard.

Moving Forward

This was a great project to be involved with and I hope to work on FanClash soon to improve the product even further. Being able to work on a project so closely to the CEO and Developers has helped me gain more confidence when fleshing out new ideas and I also got a great understanding of how developers look at a product. Overall I have learnt so much on this project and will be taking all those lessons with me.

Fanclash iPhone app
Fanclash gamescreen chat opened
FanClash gamescreen default
FanClash statistics screen
FanClash league screen
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“The new game screen looks flawless, thank you so much for your help. We will be calling you soon to design our leagues section”

by InPlay Labs

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